Thursday, 8 July 2010

Taking a bite out of Delicious

Courtesy of Hannah Eve on Flickr
Having not heard of Delicious (like a good many other Cam 23 things), my first thought was that it was not what I expected. I still am at a loss to know why delicious is called delicious. Anyway, that aside, I took the plunge and signed up for a Delicious account. I got side-tracked trying to hunt down a website I had used for downloading free sheet music and realised how messy my own browser's bookmarks were. It made me think how bookmarks are good if you only have a few, but if you keep on adding them at a ferocious pace (or your wife does) they do become less useful. My wife thought Delicious sounded like a wonderful idea, so having created my account, I decided to transfer all of our bookmarks automatically into Delicious and then sort through them there, rather than trying to tackle the bookmarks themselves in my browser. I haven't been able to face going through all 222 bookmarks before coming to write this post, but I can already see how useful this can be. I have started adding my own simple tags to the webpages which I know will make it much easier to keep track of them. It also appealed to my strange cataloguing mind so was actually quite fun. I hope to make use of Delicious now in the future as a way of managing my bookmarks and as it is available on any local computer, this will be very useful as well. I don't as yet quite see the point of searching Delicious for webpages and seeing how popular they have been with other people as I don't tend to ask this question before adding something as a bookmark. If it's helpful for me, then that is usually the only criteria. But maybe I will learn more about this, the more I make use of Delicious.

To say that Delicious is delicious is probably going a bit too far, but I certainly thought it was rather good.

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